Thursday, July 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2010

I write lots of garden blog posts in my head, but since this is the first one making it to the blog, I don't feel I can claim the title of "garden blogger" yet. Still, I have to start somewhere - and I've been wanting to start Bloom Day posts for quite a while, after seeing the beautiful Hayefield bloom day posts every month for over a year now.

July is a good month to start - lots of beautiful things flowering in the yard! The most stunning are the 'Blackout' Asiatic lily flowers.

Then there are the volunteers...

And even a few ornamental flowers that we planted...

But my favorites are the food plants - beautiful and delicious in the same plant! :)

'Blondkopfchen' cherry tomatoes

'Spookie' pumpkin

'Alaska Mix' nasturtium

'Ambrosia' corn

'Neckargold' pole bean

'Blue Marbut' pole bean

'Sugar Snap' pea


Cinnamon basil

'Rattlesnake' pole bean

'Insuk's Wang Kong' runner bean

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day is brought to you by Carol of May Dreams Gardens

Make sure you stop over there and check out all the other garden bloggers sharing their beautiful July plants!


  1. What a pleasant way to think of what most people consider weeds... 'volunteers'... sorta makes you appreciate them and their selfless efforts to cover one's barren soil! Larry

  2. Stunning as an apt description. The blooms of your 'Blackout' Asiatic lily are incredible.
